pmsOne of the most common question is – “I’ve tried every supplement I can think of for premenstrual tension syndrome (PMS) and nothing seems to work. Is there something that’s missing?

In many cases one or more of the possible causes have not been addressed (endocrine dysfunction, nutrient insufficiency, etc.); however, in many cases the problem is what the patient is eating. We have found that very often no matter how severe the patient’s symptoms, their reply to “tell me about your diet” is “I eat some junk food; but, in most cases I try to eat well”. When that’s your response, think about the pioneering work of Dr. Abraham which revealed the following: PMS patients consume 62 percent more refined carbohydrate than woman who do not have PMS, 275 percent more sugar, 79 percent more dairy products, 53 percent less iron, 77 percent less manganese and 52 percent less zinc.

Although Dr. Abraham’s work did not specifically address the amount of hydrogenated fat and oils, it stands to reason that a diet with increased levels of dairy products and refined carbohydrates will be high in hydrogenated fats with resulting inflammatory problems. With any unresponsive case, it is a good idea to address the diet.

Also, consider that proper spinal alignment, exercise and adequate rest will also help prevent PMS.

If you supper from PMS Dr. Waugh can help you!

Source: Abraham, the Journal of Reproductive Medicine

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