
15 05, 2019

See how many conditions Berbercap helps! You might be surprised.

2025-01-29T18:57:53+00:00By |Health Tips, Kinesiology, Muscle Testing|

Berbercap is a botanical extract called Berberine which is a deep yellow compound found in barberry root, Oregon grape root, and goldenseal root. Berbercap (Berberine) has been shown to: Support healthy blood sugar levels in the normal range, Lower cholesterol and support healthy lipid metabolism Support healthy metabolism and weight management Support healthy blood pressure [...]

20 05, 2015

Can You Help With Memory?

2019-04-12T01:24:12+00:00By |Health Tips, Kinesiology|

I get asked this question a lot. The brain is an incredibly complex organ that acts as the body’s control center. The brain manages just about everything a person does. There are as many as 100 billion cells, called neurons, in the brain. The communication between neurons is what forms the basis for all brain [...]

6 07, 2013

What is Applied Kinesiology? – continued

2019-04-12T01:24:13+00:00By |Kinesiology|

“Kinesiology” comes from the Greek word “kinesis” meaning motion, and “ology,” meaning the study of a science or branch of learning. Kinesiology then means the study of the principles of mechanics in anatomy in relation to human movement. The term “applied” means put to practical use. Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology (AK) [...]

6 06, 2013

What is Applied Kinesiology?

2019-04-12T01:24:13+00:00By |Kinesiology|

Dr. Waugh uses Applied Kinesiology as one of her chiropractic techniques. Kinesiology refers to the study of movement. It is a multifaceted field of study in which movement or physical activity is the focus. Applied Kinesiology is best described as using muscle testing as a diagnostic tool to augment the examination skills that a health [...]

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