Frequently patients ask me about specific conditions and what to do to help using supplements or food. Here are some conditions and suggestions to handle them:

Can’t get to sleep: the most common cause is a need for calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Fall asleep but don’t stay asleep: suspect a B1 deficiency or a general B vitamin deficiency.

Cramps in feet: If the toes curl up, suspect a calcium and magnesium need. If the toes curl down, suspect a phosphorus need.

Leg cramps: If the cramps occur at rest, suspect a calcium, magnesium, potassium or iron need. If they occur during exercise, suspect a need for vitamin E. In any case of leg cramps, make sure you are drinking enough water and the cramps are not caused by dehydration.

Eye floaters: This indicates capillary fragility (capillaries are the tiny blood vessels). This is a need for vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

Burning feet: Suspect a fat soluble vitamin deficiency (Vitamins A, D or E) and liver congestion. Liver detox or liver support nutrients are good for liver congestion.

Crave chocolate: suspect a magnesium deficiency.

Joint stiffness upon arising, during cold weather or during a drop in the barometric pressure: indicates a need for phosphorus, iodine and unsaturated fatty acids.

Excessive body odor: Suspect a need for hydrochloric acid and magnesium (especially if the feet are the major offenders).

Desire to constantly chew ice: This can be a need for iron.

Headaches in the morning that wear off as the day wears on: this can indicate thyroid hypo-function. Iodine or thyroid glandular supplements can work well for this.

Scholastic under achievement (children): this can indicate a need for iron.

Infants who are sensitive to milk and dairy products: suspect thymus (immune system) hypo-function and a bacterial imbalance in the colon. A THYMUS GLADULAR and a good probiotic help hand this. (Patricia this is not supposed to be capitalized!)

Dr. Waugh has the remedies named for these conditions and can test you for them to make sure that what you take is the right thing for you to be taking. She also does a fairly comprehensive nutrition check which checks for immune challenges, food challenges, and certain toxins.

If you have a condition that you what to have checked out, give Dr. Waugh a call and make an appointment for a nutrition check.

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